about me

I’m Jenny – mama/daughter/sister/aunt, vegetarian, book designer, attention-deficient maker, and closet anarchist. Among other stuff, I like to read, poke around flea markets, make things into other things, and watch my 6 year old son Jamie make new discoveries. I’m drawn to the ironic side of domesticity, am often sarcastic, and have trouble finishing projects. And yes, I really do struggle with adult ADD. I’ve started this blog in the hope that having an audience will shame me into finishing what I start and keeping my house tidier 😉

I also have a political side that leans perilously close to radical left-winger at times, so on occasion I’ll have a rant about something that’s stuck in my craw. Rest assured, I always attempt to be respectful (grin) … my personal agenda has mostly to do with fairness, honesty, and making the world a better place for everyone to live in.

Stuff I like to do includes knitting and felting, sewing, re- and upcycled crafting, papercrafts, beading, gardening, cooking and of course, graphic design. I also love exploring woods and beaches, streams, mountains, and cities. I like my contradictions. I haven’t traveled as much as I’d like, but I have limitless curiosity about other places and people in this world. I love creatures of all types (except spiders, though I recognize their value even as I shudder in horror, lol), and my family more than anything. Most of all, I try to be a good person, and teach my son to be good and happy.

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